Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are YOU Doing Stuff? - My half yearly checkup

It's catching, have you caught the urge to do Stuff yet?

I spent an extremely enjoyable evening  at Pink Piano Bar with some gorgeous friends the other night.As we were saying our goodbyes, one friend said that this was her 'doing new Stuff' night, and that my blog had inspired her to try new things and go to new places and generally get out of her 'stay at home mum' rut! Hooray, I am constantly being inspired by people who do things that amaze me and help get the creative juices flowing, so I'm proud to be the source of at least a tiny bit of inspiration.

In return, I'm going to do some unashamed plugging for this effervescent Ms G's new business venture (which I'm sure I did NOT inspire).
PLEASE take a look at CUPCAKE CITY , an online shop which supplies cupcake equipment; stands, cases, themed decorations etc. and are all reasonably priced.

And as the new financial year rolls around I look around and say - Holy Cow, where did the year go?????

As the saying goes, Those who can - do. Those who can't - blog. This may not be an accurate quote, but it works for me for this moment. I've been out doing, so that's why I haven't been blogging lately. That, and pure unadulterated laziness. No excuses.

Here's a quick update on the Stuff I've been doing lately:
I've completed three paintings, which for me is speedy (I've usually got a half a dozen unfinished paintings and bits and pieces of stuff lying around).  The top one is the dye and water painting you've seen before in my last post.

The second one was finished in quick time for a friend's birthday. It was based upon the third painting (right) which was finished a month or so before, but I kept fiddling and trying to make it perfect, but eventually had to abandon it and just say to myself that it was finished.

Remember this? - Pay it Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade (or homemade!) to the first 5 people who leave a comment here. They must in turn post this and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status. *The rules are that it must be handmade/homemade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011. (No, your kids don't count as something homemade, so don't send them to me!)

Two friends responded and I've managed to make both gifts but have only delivered one so far. My beautiful cousin Kelly is wearing her gift, the green scarf, lovingly knitted by me. Lesa, my other responder will be receiving her gift (another scarf) when she arrives back in Aus. later this month .

I"m getting out of my theater comfort zone tomorrow night by joining the Ignatians theatre company's choir  Ignite. As part of my 'doing Stuff' year, I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone, go to new places and meet new people. I'm hoping to do just that from tomorrow night onwards and to get a good sing in too :)

Wish me luck and keep on doing Stuff!!