Sunday, January 2, 2011

January - off to a good start???

A friend said that I forgot to list a very important meaning of Stuff :

verb - to fill (an aperture, cavity, etc.) by forcing something into it.

Well, he can go and get stuffed ;)

Last year I picked myself up, dusted myself off and started all over again, and went back on Weight Watchers. Starting at 83 kg in May, I managed to get down to 70.1 at the beginning of December when all Hell broke loose and Christmas with its array of yummy food arrived. As at the 1st of January I am 73kg and determined to kick start myself back into healthy habits with both food and exercise. Fortunately, a work collegue handed me a free one month trial pass for my local Fernwood Gym.

So off I went, gave them my name rank and serial number and promised them my first born child and joined up for a month. My first class was a 'body combat' class - think kickboxing and aerobics rolled into one. The instructor was a female 'Commando' from the Biggest Loser, who yelled instructions till my heart was about to burst and my tuckshop ladies arms wanted to fall off. I couldn't walk or raise my arms above my chest level the next day, so of course I did the same class each week!

I've been a (reasonably) good girl - Jenny from work also got the month's pass, so we've been encouraging each other, and have been using the cardio machines after work. Now I just have to wean myself off chocolate and alcohol for a while and I'll be back on track :) - hopefully!

January 2011 will go down on record as the time of the Flood. I am one of the lucky ones who lives on the high side of Brisbane. We didn't get affected by the flood, but I've been effected. Lives were lost. Homes and posessions ruined. It didn't diminish the Aussie spirit though.

I wish I were one of those people who roll up their sleeves and get stuff done. I've got friends who did exactly that. They were the ones who got dirty and smelly and mucked out stinking mud from people's homes, and went on the search for bodies. I did my small bit, but I feel guilty that I haven't done more. I took some clothes down to the local collection centre, gave some money and food, and am helping out with some stuff for a garage sale to help a friend who's been effected by the flood. I know that not everyone can be a volunteer. They were even turning people away at one stage because so many people showed up to help. we all have to do our bit and are all pieces of the larger puzzle. as long as we all do SOMETHING and not sit complacently on our butts, it will all help.

On a more domestic note, I've done a few things I had been putting off for a while: sewing a button on a pair of trousers and fixing the belt that goes with it. I repaired some broken beaded bracelets that have been sitting on my desk for months, too. There's one thing you really need to know about me: I use the 'horizontal filing' method of putting things away - I find a flat surface to put it on and there it stays - sometimes for months. I keep walking past and looking at the item, thinking 'I must fix that/ put it away/ find a spot to put it/ do SOMETHING with it... but rarely do. It is with that in mind, I get excited when I get to do something and putting it away - reclaiming one more bit of space :)

That's pretty much the summary of January. My intentions are still good, although I've fallen off the healthy eating wagon already, but I'll be good in February I promise!!!

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