Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolution(s)

Yes, it's that time of the year. The time we make promises we know we won't keep, or attempt to keep at least for the first week of every year. The Dreaded New Year's Resolution!

I've got a girlfriend who made her New Year's resolution every year to give up smoking, and did - for half an hour till the cravings hit her then she'd reach right into the packet and light up another cancer stick. Until one year, when her closest and bestest friends decided to help her on her quest to be rid of the Demon Tobacco. Unbeknown to her, we hid all the cigarettes in various locations around the room of her boyfriend's house, some hidden in plain sight. Then come 12.30 am right on the dot, she'd go, 'Bugger this, I'm weak willed, I need a cigarette!', but her packet was empty this time around.

What followed was a sort of scavenger hunt with us, the well intended friends saying, 'getting warmer...', and the Lady in question getting increasingly frustrated, not to mention royally pissed off, with looking for 20 or so cigarettes hidden around the room. I vividly recall a cigarette sticking out the mouth of a carved wooden seahorse on the wall; one of the funner hiding places. In the end we all had a good laugh about it and were severely chastised for our efforts.

I have good intentions every year and this one is no exception. For the most part, 2010 for me was a giant pile of steaming poo, so I'm hoping for a more positive 2011. Well, I'm trying to be more positive in 2011. And to make myself more positive this year I'm going to do Stuff.

Different Stuff. Stuff I intend to do and never get around to. Stuff I'm too scared to get out of my comfort zone to do. Probably mostly mundane Stuff. But stuff nevertheless. And I'm going to write about my Stuff, and ask for suggestions, and take you along for the ride, cause knowing me I'll get bored, or procrastinate, or just go back into my shell where it's warm and cosy and I can play Frontierville all evening and not have to actually achieve anything.

So come along with me, help me do my Stuff, and hopefully I can help you achieve your Stuff too :)

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