Monday, January 3, 2011


Stuff –noun

1. of which anything is made: a crystalline stuff.
2. be worked be used in making steel, and stuff for building.

3. filled with some soft stuff.

4. property, as personal belongings or equipment; things.

5. something to be swallowed, as food, drink, or medicine.

6. Informal . action or talk of a partistuff; Cut out the rough stuff.

7. worthless things or matter: to clean the stuff out of a closet.

8. worthless or foolish ideas, talk, or writing: a lot of stuff and nonsense.

9. Informal . one's trade, skill, field, facts, etc.: She knows her stuff.

10. Slang . any kind of drug, esp. an illicit one.

So that's Stuff in general, but what specifically do I want out of this year? My Stuff has several categories:

* Tidying up Stuff
* Learning Stuff
* Doing new Stuff
* Stuff that I've put off for far too long
* Stuff I've wanted to do and have never gotten around to it.

I've made a preliminary list of some of the Stuff I intend to do, from the mundane to the (hopefully) exciting:

1. Get to my goal weight and keep it for the rest of the year.

2. Compete in the Bridge to Brisbane again but this time jog and better the time I did last year.

3. Instead of putting things down and forgetting them, I'm going to finish the projects I start.

4. Do a small business course and get started on getting Jacqstar Creations up and running

5. Go back to painting lessons and generally get more creative this year.

6. Generally get off my butt, get out of the house and be with lovely people.

My cousin suggested I go bungee jumping, but I will not jump off a perfectly good bridge or out of a perfectly good plane. Other than that, please give me suggestions of places to go, things to do, things to see stuff to do etc.

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