Thursday, January 27, 2011

Roll out the red carpet

Hooray for Hollywood, it's Oscar time!

I love the Academy awards, the glitz, the glamour, the stars - the Frocks!! I love them so much, I named my shiny (most of the time) gold car Oscar. Now all I have to do is find some crimson shagpile for the garage so I can walk the red carpet every day to get my Oscar!

Every year for ages, I attempt to see the movies that are nominated for Best Picture, and as many others as I can, so I can judge for myself. I love to watch the show with my nominees list and see how my choices fare with the Academy's choices.

This year, and last year there are ten movies nominated for Best Picture. I've only managed to see the 5 nominated movies in years gone past and I didn't even get close last year. I intend to see as many as possible this year, but the mind boggles why they've increased it to 10. I can't afford to see that many movies, not to mention all the cool ones I want to see that are nominated for costumes, visual effects etc.

So, the nominees are:

Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids are All right
The King's Speech
127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

The three movies in bold I've seen so far; so three down seven to go - will I do it? No. Some movies haven't been realeased yet, some might have been and gone, but if I get to see 5 or more I'll be happy. I'm planning on seeing The Black Swan tomorrow night, sothat will make 4.

Stay tuned...


  1. I think it's a great plan but it comes down to time and money! Not that I would suggest anything illegal, but there may be a way to see some of the films from the comfort of your own home.... Or, start going out on dates and ask to be taken to as many of the films as possible. Six to go Jacqstar, you can do it!!!

  2. Dan darling,

    You're assuming that there's someone out there who wants to take me out to see a movie or 7 - that's the fatal flaw in your plan.
    As for the slightly illegal idea, I like it except that I'm no techno person and wouldn't have the faintest idea how to do it and my computer has seizures whenever I get it to do the simplest tasks so I think it would kill it!

    I saw Black Swan tonight - by myself. 6 to go...

  3. Saw True Grit tonight. Really enjoyed it, but I saw the original years and years ago. I wonder how many re-makes have been nominated for Best Picture?

    So, 5 down, 5 to go...
